
Director KYC

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Director KYC filing to the ROC is a mandatory annual compliance for the Director or the designated partners. In other words every person who has been allotted a DIN Number prior to 31st March 2022 are required to file KYC documents/Updated Email and Mobile to the ROC.

Filing of Director KYC 2022 (DIN-3 KYC) With ROC:
Director’s KYC Filing is an annual activity and applies to every person who was allotted a DIN (Director Identification Number) on or before 31st March 2022. The purpose of filing the DIR-3 KYC form to the ROC is to keep the records of the ROC updated with the correct address, mobile and email address of the directors/designated partners. It is a mandatory filing, and if filed within the due date of 30th September 2022, there is no government fee. The DIN Numbers for which the KYC is not filed within its due date get deactivated, and the same can be activated after the filing of DIR-3 KYC with late filing fees of Rs. 5000 for each defaulting director or the designated partner.
File the Director KYC for the FY 2021-22 Now:
The DIN KYC filing for the financial year 2021-22 has already begun effective 1st April 2022. As a company/LLP, you should ensure that the DIR-3KYC form is filed with the ROC for every person who has been allotted a DIN number.

List of Documents Required For Director KYC Filing
1. Photograph
Front-facing latest passport size colour photograph of the director of Partner of LLP in JPEG Format.
2. Address Proof
Passport, Voter Card, Driving Licence, Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill or Aadhaar (Not Older Than 2 Month)

3. Pan Card
PAN is mandatory for Indian Citizens, Please submit a copy of your pan card. Ensure that the particulars are updated
4. Mobile Number for OTP
Mobile number is required for OTP verification. Foreign citizens must give their overseas mobile No.
5. Passport
Passport is mandatory for Foreign Citizens, However, if the Indian applicant has a passport then it is mandatory to file.
6. Email ID for OTP
Furnish your email id on which the government can send communication and OTP for verification

Call us on 9776030006 / 9178343858 to get your Now.


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